Thursday, May 7, 2009

Let's Begin...Shall We

Since this is my first blog, this maybe a little short...or not. Here is the purpose of this blog and where the name "Self Ignition" came from.

The name "Self Ignition" is something that came to me the other day during my quite time with God. Growing up in church all my life, I went to youth camps, youth conventions, youth rallies, discipleship camps...anything that my youth pastor and/or my family thought was going to help me and challenge me as a christian teenager. Not only did I grow up in church but grow up around ministers and pastors. When going to those youth events you would always come back excited about God and "on fire". But just as you get settled and the "high" is worn off...your once burning fire is now no longer the light you started with. Sometimes, your fire turns into a pile of ashes.

I'm not saying the camps and conventions were a bad thing or are a bad thing, but sometimes we don't understand why we have those to attend. God didn't intend for us to go and just get a "religious high" and have experiences that would forget about in a month or two. The one thing that I finally understood was, the fire burned out simply because I allowed mySELF to do so. I let the things that God was trying to drag me away from suck me back in and suffocate the new life that God gave me.

We have to learn that as Christians, we have to put self aside allow God to direct our life story. God puts the fire out there but if we allow ourSELF to continue to put the fire out that God gives us, we will never get to where God intends us to be or do what He intended us to do.

We must be willing to prepare ourSELF for the fire that God gives us. The definition of "Ignition" is the process of setting something on fire. We need to want the fire to start the process. Once the process is started in ourSELF...God will continue to fuel the fire that He started. We can't fuel the fire ourselves with "artificial fuel" or we'll kill the fire. That's another blog on another day.

The purpose of this blog is to share a journey that God is taking me and my family on and to somehow encourage someone that needs it. Also, to remind us that everyday that we have to kill SELF for the fire that God has for us to take and ignite our life.

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