Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Culture Shock Bootcamp - Monday Night

Last night was an awesome first night at Culture Shock bootcamp. We had a pretty good turn out for the first night. We had a mixture of pastors, missionaries, regular visitors and of course the ones going on Culture Shock.

Evangelist Joey Hamby did a great job last night. Last night he really just sent over his experiences in different cultures/countries and the extremities of those cultures/countries. At the end of the night, Joey just started pray for people and speaking into their lifes. It was awesome because he was speaking things that completely answered questions and confirmed things in my life. I know that others said the same thing and felt the presence of God like I did. It was like God Himself came down last night and was telling us all something that either answered questions, confirm things, or encouraged us to continue to follow and seek what He has put in our life.

I still have questions but God answered some huge ones that I had and confirmed what Val and I have been feeling and believing for a long while now. For some strange reason, I've always wanted God to speak to me and confirm things like last night, but when Joey asked me to come to the front, my stomach dropped in fear not knowing what was going to happen. I was afraid what God was going to do for whatever reason, but when Joey started talking and God used him as a megaphone to speak to me...the rest of me got happy but dropped that God was publicly confirming things and showing me things. I think I always wanted God to do that because it's easy for me or something, but last night was one of the highest points in my life in the fact God was speaking to me in a way that I wouldn't question the answers that He gave me about my questions.

I'm not blogging that to brag or anything like that, but to show that God cares and answers us when we need it. I know last week I wrote a blog about being in the desert and not sure when God was going take me out or what...but last night was a boost out of the middle of the desert. I probably wouldn't say I'm in the desert now, but more like I'm in the middle of Nevada or Arizona...the desert but more civilized in a way. Or maybe it's like moving from the desert to an deserted island (you the beauty of the tropic and some form of food and water, but still looking for answers). That maybe just way out there and completely ridiculous, but I have more clarity today than I did last week, but still have some questions.

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